Friday, June 16, 2006

Holy Moses

An installation I created in 1999 as a tribute to Aung San Suu Kyi. The room became the painting and was painted in such a way as to distrupt the perception of its shape and the perspective. It was then overpainted with phosphorescent paint, which became evident when the door to the room was shut. The door triggered the light going off and on, when open the light was on. Aung San Suu Kyi's portrait was in the centre of the floor and could be walked over but because it was directly underneath the source of light it glowed brightest in the dark. The light suspended in the centre of the room, hung nearly to the floor, could be disturbed by visitors and when spun agressively, it had the effect of making the room feel as if it was spinning, particularly because of the movement of visitor's shadows. A few years later I created the partner to this, as a tribute to her husband Michael Arris

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