Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Boils Law


Joanne Hartley said...

Where did this come from Monk?

I like to use 'texts' like this boiler one in my 'work'

Was it intentional?

Monk said...

Dear NC

Thank you for your return and question. Yes it was intentional and I think all the work shown here is. The text in Boils law is the instructions on a sticky transfer from the inside of a boiler. I often use found texts/graphics and have piles of source materials that I have collected for future use. When you say that you like to use texts in your work is that your writing or visual stuff and are they found texts? If visual can you share a few?


Joanne Hartley said...

ooohhhhh piles of source material! Sounds fantastic. I would LOVE to look through that. I do the same but my approach is not as visual as yours. I look at texts to find narratives. I've made theatre out of cook books and 'how to survive nuclear war' booklets and first aid manuals! Some of my stuff is more visual but the only piece I have in digital form would not be an appropriate addition to my blog (taboo subject matter). I have been doing some collecting of other kinds of 'texts' looking at exposition through found things. Once I get a little gadget for my PC (and if the photos have come out as planned) I may upload those onto my site. Would love to see more of yours. very much like your style!

Monk said...

Thank you once again for your comments and appreciation.

I like your idea of creating theatre out of cook books. Given the surfeit of TV cookery this adds into the theatrical, the media presentation of cooking and the metaphors this allows. Literally cooking as performance.

Are there taboo subjects still? I am intrigued.